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Leptonica With Static Linked Dependencies (on Windows)   

posledná zmena: 1. February 2019

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Thanks to Egor Pugin cppan tool building leptonica (and tesseract ;-) ) on Windows is very easy.
BUT: if you need “just” leptonica shared library (e.g. for python wrapper), you would need distribute its dependencies with “funny names”:

08.05.2018  13:04         2 571 264 leptonica-1.76.1.dll
05.05.2018  13:47         2 571 264 pvt.cppan.demo.danbloomberg.leptonica-1.76.0.dll
20.02.2018  22:05           243 712 pvt.cppan.demo.jpeg-9.2.0.dll
20.02.2018  22:05            85 504 pvt.cppan.demo.madler.zlib-1.2.11.dll
20.02.2018  22:05           283 648 pvt.cppan.demo.openjpeg.openjp2-2.3.0.dll
20.02.2018  22:05           192 000 pvt.cppan.demo.png-1.6.34.dll
20.02.2018  22:05           440 320 pvt.cppan.demo.tiff-4.0.9.dll
04.05.2018  21:18           532 992 pvt.cppan.demo.webmproject.webp-1.0.0.dll
31.03.2018  10:14           544 768 pvt.cppan.demo.webp-0.6.1.dll
20.02.2018  22:05           151 040 pvt.cppan.demo.xz_utils.lzma-5.2.3.dll

If you just want to have leptonica.dll than try this :

git clone
cd leptonica
cppan --clear-cache --clear-vars-cache
mkdir build64 & cd build64 
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="F:/win64msvc/" -DCPPAN_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0
cmake --build . --config Release --target install

It will produce just leptonica shared lib:

 Directory of f:\win64msvc\bin
01.02.2019  16:51    <DIR>          .
01.02.2019  16:51    <DIR>          ..
01.02.2019  16:51         4 298 752 leptonica-1.78.0.dll
               1 File(s)      4 298 752 bytes

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