Here is list of variables that can be found in tesseract source code (in svn revision 402). Table is sortable – just click on header of column.
defined in | type | name | default value | comment |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:65 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_create_boxfile | FALSE | Output text with boxes |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:66 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_create_hocr | FALSE | OutputHTML with hOCR markup |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:67 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_read_image | TRUE | Ensure the image is read |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:68 | INT_VAR | tessedit_serial_unlv | 0 | 0->Whole page, 1->serial no adapt, 2->serial with adapt |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:70 | INT_VAR | tessedit_page_number | -1 | -1 -> All pages, else specific page to process |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:72 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_write_images | FALSE | Capture the image from theIPE |
api/tesseractmain.cpp:73 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_debug_to_screen | FALSE | Dont use debug file |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:54 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_reject_ems | FALSE | Reject all m’s |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:55 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_reject_suspect_ems | FALSE | Reject suspect m’s |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:57 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_cluster_t1 | 0.20 | t1 threshold for clustering samples |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:59 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_cluster_t2 | 0.40 | t2 threshold for clustering samples |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:61 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_cluster_t3 | 0.12 | Extra threshold for clustering samples |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:63 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_cluster_accept_fraction | 0.80 | Largest fraction of characters in cluster for it to be used for adaption |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:65 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_cluster_min_size | 3 | Smallest number of samples in a cluster for it to be used for adaption |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:67 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_debug | FALSE | Generate and print debug information for adaption by clustering |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:69 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_use_best_sample | FALSE | Use best sample from cluster when adapting |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:71 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_test_cluster_input | FALSE | Set reject map to enable cluster input to be measured |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:74 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_matrix_match | TRUE | Use matrix matcher |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:75 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_use_non_adaption_set | FALSE | Don’t try to adapt to characters on this list |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:77 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | tessedit_non_adaption_set | “,.;:’~@*” | Characters to be avoided when adapting |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:79 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_adapt_using_prototypes | TRUE | Use prototypes when adapting |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:81 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_use_prototypes | TRUE | Use prototypes as clusters are built |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:83 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_use_rejmap | FALSE | Adapt to characters using reject map |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:85 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_all_rejects | FALSE | Adapt to all characters using |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:87 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_only_match_same_char | FALSE | Only match samples against clusters for the same character |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:89 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_process_rns | FALSE | Handle m – rn ambigs |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:91 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_demo_adaption | FALSE | Display cut images and matrix match for demo purposes |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:93 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_demo_word1 | 62 | Word number of first word to display |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:95 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_demo_word2 | 64 | Word number of second word to display |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:97 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | tessedit_demo_file | “academe” | Name of document containing demo words |
ccmain/adaptions.cpp:99 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_adapt_to_char_fragments | TRUE | Adapt to words that contain “ |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:62 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | applybox_rebalance | TRUE | Drop dead |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:63 | EXTERN INT_VAR | applybox_debug | 5 | Debug level |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:64 | EXTERN INT_VAR | applybox_page | 0 | Page number to apply boxes from |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:65 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | applybox_test_exclusions | “” | Chars ignored for testing |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:67 | EXTERN double_VAR | applybox_error_band | 0.15 | Err band as fract of xht |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:69 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | exposure_pattern | “.exp” | Exposure value follows this pattern in the image filename. The name of the image files are expected to be in the form [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif |
ccmain/applybox.cpp:74 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | learn_chars_and_char_frags_mode | FALSE | Learn both character fragments |
ccmain/control.cpp:66 | //EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_small_match | FALSE | Use small matrix matcher |
ccmain/control.cpp:71 | BOOL_VAR | tessedit_small_match | FALSE | Use small matrix matcher |
ccmain/control.cpp:72 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_print_text | FALSE | Write text to stdout |
ccmain/control.cpp:73 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_draw_words | FALSE | Draw source words |
ccmain/control.cpp:74 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_draw_outwords | FALSE | Draw output words |
ccmain/control.cpp:75 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_training_wiseowl | FALSE | Call WO to learn blobs |
ccmain/control.cpp:76 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_training_tess | FALSE | Call Tess to learn blobs |
ccmain/control.cpp:77 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_matcher_is_wiseowl | FALSE | Call WO to classify |
ccmain/control.cpp:78 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_dump_choices | FALSE | Dump char choices |
ccmain/control.cpp:79 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_fix_fuzzy_spaces | TRUE | Try to improve fuzzy spaces |
ccmain/control.cpp:81 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_unrej_any_wd | FALSE | Dont bother with word plausibility |
ccmain/control.cpp:83 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_fix_hyphens | TRUE | Crunch double hyphens? |
ccmain/control.cpp:85 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_reject_fullstops | FALSE | Reject all fullstops |
ccmain/control.cpp:86 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_reject_suspect_fullstops | FALSE | Reject suspect fullstops |
ccmain/control.cpp:88 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_redo_xheight | TRUE | Check/Correct x-height |
ccmain/control.cpp:89 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adaption_on | TRUE | Do our own adaption – ems only |
ccmain/control.cpp:91 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_enable_doc_dict | TRUE | Add words to the document dictionary |
ccmain/control.cpp:93 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | word_occ_first | FALSE | Do word occ before re-est xht |
ccmain/control.cpp:94 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_debug_fonts | FALSE | Output font info per char |
ccmain/control.cpp:95 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_xht_fiddles_on_done_wds | TRUE | Apply xht fix up even if done |
ccmain/control.cpp:97 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_xht_fiddles_on_no_rej_wds | TRUE | Apply xht fix up even in no rejects |
ccmain/control.cpp:99 | EXTERN INT_VAR | x_ht_check_word_occ | 2 | Check Char Block occupancy |
ccmain/control.cpp:100 | EXTERN INT_VAR | x_ht_stringency | 1 | How many confirmed a/n to accept? |
ccmain/control.cpp:101 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_quality_check | TRUE | Dont allow worse quality |
ccmain/control.cpp:102 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_debug_block_rejection | FALSE | Block and Row stats |
ccmain/control.cpp:104 | EXTERN INT_VAR | debug_x_ht_level | 0 | Reestimate debug |
ccmain/control.cpp:105 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_xht | TRUE | Individual rejection control |
ccmain/control.cpp:106 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | debug_acceptable_wds | FALSE | Dump word pass/fail chk |
ccmain/control.cpp:108 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_leading_punct | “(’`\”“ | Leading punctuation1st Trailing punctuation |
ccmain/control.cpp:109 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_trailing_punct1 | “).,;:?!” | 1st Trailing punctuation |
ccmain/control.cpp:111 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_trailing_punct2 | “)’`\”“ | 2nd Trailing punctuation |
ccmain/control.cpp:114 | EXTERN double_VAR | quality_rej_pc | 0.08 | good_quality_doc lte rejection limit |
ccmain/control.cpp:116 | EXTERN double_VAR | quality_blob_pc | 0.0 | good_quality_doc gte good blobs limit |
ccmain/control.cpp:118 | EXTERN double_VAR | quality_outline_pc | 1.0 | good_quality_doc lte outline error limit |
ccmain/control.cpp:120 | EXTERN double_VAR | quality_char_pc | 0.95 | good_quality_doc gte good char limit |
ccmain/control.cpp:122 | EXTERN INT_VAR | quality_min_initial_alphas_reqd | 2 | alphas in a good word |
ccmain/control.cpp:125 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_tess_adapt_to_rejmap | FALSE | Use reject map to control Tesseract adaption |
ccmain/control.cpp:127 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_tess_adaption_mode | 0×27 | Adaptation decision algorithm for tess |
ccmain/control.cpp:129 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_em_adaption_mode | 0 | Adaptation decision algorithm for ems matrix matcher |
ccmain/control.cpp:131 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adapt_after_pass1 | FALSE | Adapt using clusterer after pass 1 |
ccmain/control.cpp:133 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adapt_after_pass2 | FALSE | Adapt using clusterer after pass 1 |
ccmain/control.cpp:135 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adapt_after_pass3 | FALSE | Adapt using clusterer after pass 1 |
ccmain/control.cpp:137 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adapt_before_pass1 | FALSE | Adapt using clusterer before Tess adaping during pass 1 |
ccmain/control.cpp:139 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_cluster_adaption_mode | 0 | Adaptation decision algorithm for matrix matcher |
ccmain/control.cpp:141 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_adaption_debug | FALSE | Generate and print debug information for adaption |
ccmain/control.cpp:143 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_minimal_rej_pass1 | FALSE | Do minimal rejection on pass 1 output |
ccmain/control.cpp:145 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_test_adaption | FALSE | Test adaption criteria |
ccmain/control.cpp:147 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_global_adaption | FALSE | Adapt to all docs over time |
ccmain/control.cpp:149 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_matcher_log | FALSE | Log matcher activity |
ccmain/control.cpp:150 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_test_adaption_mode | 3 | Adaptation decision algorithm for tess |
ccmain/control.cpp:152 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | save_best_choices | FALSE | Save the results of the recognition step” |
ccmain/control.cpp:156 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | test_pt | FALSE | Test for point |
ccmain/control.cpp:157 | EXTERN double_VAR | test_pt_x | 99999.99 | xcoord |
ccmain/control.cpp:158 | EXTERN double_VAR | test_pt_y | 99999.99 | ycoord |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:38 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | outlines_odd | “%| “ | Non standard number of outlines |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:39 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | outlines_2 | “ij!?%\”:;” | Non standard number of outlines |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:41 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | docqual_excuse_outline_errs | FALSE | Allow outline errs in unrejection? |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:43 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_good_quality_unrej | TRUE | Reduce rejection on good docs |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:45 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_use_reject_spaces | TRUE | Reject spaces? |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:46 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_reject_doc_percent | 65.00 | %rej allowed before rej whole doc |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:48 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_reject_block_percent | 45.00 | %rej allowed before rej whole block |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:50 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_reject_row_percent | 40.00 | %rej allowed before rej whole row |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:52 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_whole_wd_rej_row_percent | 70.00 | %of row rejects in whole word rejects which prevents whole row rejection |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:54 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_preserve_blk_rej_perfect_wds | TRUE | Only rej partially rejected words in block rejection |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:56 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_preserve_row_rej_perfect_wds | TRUE | Only rej partially rejected words in row rejection |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:58 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_dont_blkrej_good_wds | FALSE | Use word segmentation quality metric |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:60 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_dont_rowrej_good_wds | FALSE | Use word segmentation quality metric |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:62 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_preserve_min_wd_len | 2 | Only preserve wds longer than this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:64 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_row_rej_good_docs | TRUE | Apply row rejection to good docs |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:66 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_good_doc_still_rowrej_wd | 1.1 | rej good doc wd if more than this fraction rejected |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:68 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_reject_bad_qual_wds | TRUE | Reject all bad quality wds |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:70 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_debug_doc_rejection | FALSE | Page stats |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:71 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_debug_quality_metrics | FALSE | Output data to debug file |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:73 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | bland_unrej | FALSE | unrej potential with no chekcs |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:74 | EXTERN double_VAR | quality_rowrej_pc | 1.1 | good_quality_doc gte good char limit |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:77 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | unlv_tilde_crunching | TRUE | Mark v.bad words for tilde crunch |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:79 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_early_merge_tess_fails | TRUE | Before word crunch? |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:80 | EXTERN BOOL_EVAR | crunch_early_convert_bad_unlv_chs | FALSE | Take out ~^ early? |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:83 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_terrible_rating | 80.0 | crunch rating lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:84 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_terrible_garbage | TRUE | As it says |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:85 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_poor_garbage_cert | -9.0 | crunch garbage cert lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:87 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_poor_garbage_rate | 60 | crunch garbage rating lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:90 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_pot_poor_rate | 40 | POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:92 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_pot_poor_cert | -8.0 | POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:94 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_pot_garbage | TRUE | POTENTIAL crunch garbage |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:96 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_rating | 60 | POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:97 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_cert | -10.0 | POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:98 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_min_ht | 0.7 | Del if word ht lt xht x this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:99 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_max_ht | 3.0 | Del if word ht gt xht x this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:100 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_min_width | 3.0 | Del if word width lt xht x this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:102 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_high_word | 1.5 | Del if word gt xht x this above bl |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:104 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_del_low_word | 0.5 | Del if word gt xht x this below bl |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:106 | EXTERN double_VAR | crunch_small_outlines_size | 0.6 | Small if lt xht x this |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:108 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_rating_max | 10 | For adj length in rating per ch |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:109 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_pot_indicators | 1 | How many potential indicators needed |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:112 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_leave_ok_strings | TRUE | Dont touch sensible strings |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:114 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_accept_ok | TRUE | Use acceptability in okstring |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:115 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_leave_accept_strings | FALSE | Dont pot crunch sensible strings |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:117 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | crunch_include_numerals | FALSE | Fiddle alpha figures |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:118 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_leave_lc_strings | 4 | Dont crunch words with long lower case strings |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:120 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_leave_uc_strings | 4 | Dont crunch words with long lower case strings |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:122 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_long_repetitions | 3 | Crunch words with long repetitions |
ccmain/docqual.cpp:125 | EXTERN INT_VAR | crunch_debug | 0 | As it says |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:37 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_check_for_fp_noise_space | TRUE | Try turning noise to space in fixed pitch |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:39 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_fp_eval | TRUE | Use alternate evaluation for fp |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:40 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_noise_score_fixing | TRUE | More sophisticated? |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:41 | EXTERN INT_VAR | fixsp_non_noise_limit | 1 | How many non-noise blbs either side? |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:43 | EXTERN double_VAR | fixsp_small_outlines_size | 0.28 | Small if lt xht x this |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:45 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_ignore_punct | TRUE | In uniform spacing calc |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:46 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_numeric_fix | TRUE | Try to deal with numeric punct |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:47 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | fixsp_prefer_joined_1s | TRUE | Arbitrary boost |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:48 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_test_uniform_wd_spacing | FALSE | Limit context word spacing |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:50 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_prefer_joined_punct | FALSE | Reward punctation joins |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:52 | EXTERN INT_VAR | fixsp_done_mode | 1 | What constitues done for spacing |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:53 | EXTERN INT_VAR | debug_fix_space_level | 0 | Contextual fixspace debug |
ccmain/fixspace.cpp:54 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | numeric_punctuation | “.,” | Punct. chs expected WITHIN numbers |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:37 | EXTERN double_VAR | x_ht_fraction_of_caps_ht | 0.7 | Fract of cps ht est of xht |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:39 | EXTERN double_VAR | x_ht_variation | 0.35 | Err band as fract of caps/xht dist |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:41 | EXTERN double_VAR | x_ht_sub_variation | 0.5 | Err band as fract of caps/xht dist |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:43 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_trial_ambigs | TRUE | reject x-ht ambigs when under trial |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:45 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_conservative_ambigs | FALSE | Dont rely on ambigs + maxht |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:47 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_check_est | TRUE | Cross check estimates |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:48 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_case_flip | FALSE | Flip or reject suspect case |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:49 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_include_dodgy_blobs | TRUE | Include blobs with possible noise? |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:51 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | x_ht_limit_flip_trials | TRUE | Dont do trial flips when ambigs are close to xht? |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:53 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_check_block_occ | TRUE | Analyse rejection behaviour |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:56 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_non_ambig_caps_ht | “!#$%&()/12346789?ABDEFGHIKLNQRT[]\\bdfhkl” | Reliable ascenders |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:59 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_x_ht | “acegmnopqrsuvwxyz” | X height chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:60 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_non_ambig_x_ht | “aenqr” | reliable X height chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:61 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_ambig_caps_x | “cCmMoO05sSuUvVwWxXzZ” | X ht or caps ht chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:63 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_bl_ambig_caps_x | “pPyY” | Caps or descender ambigs |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:66 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_caps_ht | “!#$%&()/0123456789?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]\\bdfhkl{|}” | Ascender chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:69 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_desc | “gjpqy” | Descender chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:70 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_non_ambig_bl | “!#$%&01246789?ABCDEFGHIKLMNORSTUVWXYZabcdehiklmnorstuvwxz” | Reliable baseline chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:73 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_odd_top | ijt” | Chars with funny ascender region |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:74 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_odd_bot | “()35JQ[]\\/{}|” | Chars with funny base |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:77 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_bl | “!#$%&()/01246789?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ[]\\abcdefhiklmnorstuvwxz{}” | Baseline chars |
ccmain/fixxht.cpp:80 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | chs_non_ambig_desc | !gq” | Reliable descender chars |
ccmain/charcut.cpp:38 | EXTERN INT_VAR | pix_word_margin | 3 | How far outside word BB to grow |
ccmain/matmatch.cpp:48 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_display_mm | FALSE | Display matrix matches |
ccmain/matmatch.cpp:49 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_mm_debug | FALSE | Print debug information for matrix matcher |
ccmain/matmatch.cpp:51 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_mm_prototype_min_size | 3 | Smallest number of samples in a cluster for a prototype to be used |
ccmain/output.cpp:59 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_write_raw_output | FALSE | Write raw stuff to name.raw |
ccmain/output.cpp:72 | EXTERN INT_VAR | suspect_space_level | 100 | Min suspect level for rejecting spaces |
ccmain/output.cpp:74 | EXTERN INT_VAR | suspect_short_words | 2 | Dont Suspect dict wds longer than this |
ccmain/output.cpp:76 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | suspect_constrain_1Il | FALSE | UNLV keep 1Il chars rejected |
ccmain/output.cpp:78 | EXTERN double_VAR | suspect_rating_per_ch | 999.9 | Dont touch bad rating limit |
ccmain/output.cpp:80 | EXTERN double_VAR | suspect_accept_rating | -999.9 | Accept good rating limit |
ccmain/output.cpp:84 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_zero_rejection | FALSE | Dont reject ANYTHING |
ccmain/output.cpp:85 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_word_for_word | FALSE | Make output have exactly one word per WERD |
ccmain/output.cpp:87 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_zero_kelvin_rejection | FALSE | Dont reject ANYTHING AT ALL |
ccmain/output.cpp:89 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_consistent_reps | TRUE | Force all rep chars the same |
ccmain/pagewalk.cpp:30 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | current_word_quit | FALSE | Stop processing this word |
ccmain/pagewalk.cpp:31 | DLLSYM BOOL_VAR | selection_quit | FALSE | Stop processing this selection |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:135 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | editor_image_win_name | “EditorImage” | Editor image window name |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:137 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_xpos | 590 | Editor image X Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:138 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_ypos | 10 | Editor image Y Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:139 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_menuheight | 50 | Add to image height for menu bar |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:140 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_word_bb_color | ScrollView::BLUE | Word bounding box colour |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:142 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_blob_bb_color | ScrollView::YELLOW | Blob bounding box colour |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:144 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_image_text_color | ScrollView::WHITE | Correct text colour |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:147 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | editor_dbwin_name | “EditorDBWin” | Editor debug window name |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:149 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_dbwin_xpos | 50 | Editor debug window X Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:150 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_dbwin_ypos | 500 | Editor debug window Y Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:151 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_dbwin_height | 24 | Editor debug window height |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:152 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_dbwin_width | 80 | Editor debug window width |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:154 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | editor_word_name | “BlnWords” | BL normalised word window |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:155 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_word_xpos | 60 | Word window X Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:156 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_word_ypos | 510 | Word window Y Pos |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:157 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_word_height | 240 | Word window height |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:158 | EXTERN INT_VAR | editor_word_width | 655 | Word window width |
ccmain/pgedit.cpp:160 | EXTERN double_VAR | editor_smd_scale_factor | 1.0 | Scaling for smd image |
ccmain/reject.cpp:58 | INT_VAR | tessedit_reject_mode | 0 | Rejection algorithm |
ccmain/reject.cpp:59 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_ok_mode | 5 | Acceptance decision algorithm |
ccmain/reject.cpp:61 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_use_nn | FALSE | |
ccmain/reject.cpp:63 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_rejection_debug | FALSE | Adaption debug |
ccmain/reject.cpp:65 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_rejection_stats | FALSE | Show NN stats |
ccmain/reject.cpp:67 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_flip_0O | TRUE | Contextual 0O O0 flips |
ccmain/reject.cpp:69 | EXTERN double_VAR | tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen | 1.5 | Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test |
ccmain/reject.cpp:73 | double_VAR | tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen | 1.8 | Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test |
ccmain/reject.cpp:77 | BOOL_VAR | rej_trust_doc_dawg | FALSE | Use DOC dawg in 11l conf. detector |
ccmain/reject.cpp:80 | BOOL_VAR | rej_1Il_use_dict_word | FALSE | Use dictword test |
ccmain/reject.cpp:81 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_1Il_trust_permuter_type | TRUE | Dont double check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:85 | BOOL_VAR | one_ell_conflict_default | TRUE | one_ell_conflict default |
ccmain/reject.cpp:86 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | show_char_clipping | FALSE | Show clip image window? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:88 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_debug | FALSE | NN DEBUGGING? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:90 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_reject_debug | FALSE | NN DEBUG each char? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:92 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_lax | FALSE | Use 2nd rate matches |
ccmain/reject.cpp:94 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_double_check_dict | FALSE | Double check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:96 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_double_check_dict | TRUE | Double check for confusions |
ccmain/reject.cpp:100 | BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_1Il | TRUE | NN use 1Il conflicts |
ccmain/reject.cpp:101 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_Ss | TRUE | NN use Ss conflicts |
ccmain/reject.cpp:103 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_hyphen | TRUE | NN hyphen conflicts |
ccmain/reject.cpp:105 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_test_good_qual | FALSE | NN dodgy 1Il cross check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:107 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_test_dict | TRUE | NN dodgy 1Il cross check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:109 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_test_sensible | TRUE | NN dodgy 1Il cross check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:111 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | nn_conf_strict_on_dodgy_chs | TRUE | Require stronger NN match |
ccmain/reject.cpp:115 | double_VAR | nn_dodgy_char_threshold | 0.99 | min accept score |
ccmain/reject.cpp:116 | EXTERN INT_VAR | nn_conf_accept_level | 4 | NN accept dodgy 1Il matches? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:118 | EXTERN INT_VAR | nn_conf_initial_i_level | 3 | NN accept initial Ii match level |
ccmain/reject.cpp:123 | BOOL_VAR | no_unrej_dubious_chars | TRUE | Dubious chars next to reject? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:124 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | no_unrej_no_alphanum_wds | TRUE | Stop unrej of non A/N wds? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:126 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | no_unrej_1Il | FALSE | Stop unrej of 1Ilchars? |
ccmain/reject.cpp:128 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_tess_accepted | TRUE | Individual rejection control |
ccmain/reject.cpp:130 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_tess_blanks | TRUE | Individual rejection control |
ccmain/reject.cpp:132 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_good_perm | TRUE | Individual rejection control |
ccmain/reject.cpp:134 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_use_sensible_wd | FALSE | Extend permuter check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:136 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | rej_alphas_in_number_perm | FALSE | Extend permuter check |
ccmain/reject.cpp:140 | double_VAR | rej_whole_of_mostly_reject_word_fract | 0.85 | if >this fract |
ccmain/reject.cpp:143 | INT_VAR | rej_mostly_reject_mode | 1 | 0-never |
ccmain/reject.cpp:146 | double_VAR | tessed_fullstop_aspect_ratio | 1.2 | if >this fract then reject |
ccmain/reject.cpp:150 | INT_VAR | net_image_width | 40 | NN input image width |
ccmain/reject.cpp:151 | EXTERN INT_VAR | net_image_height | 36 | NN input image height |
ccmain/reject.cpp:153 | EXTERN INT_VAR | net_image_x_height | 22 | NN input image x_height |
ccmain/reject.cpp:155 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_image_border | 2 | Rej blbs near image edge limit |
ccmain/reject.cpp:172 | INT_VAR | net_bl_nodes | 20 | Number of baseline nodes |
ccmain/reject.cpp:175 | double_VAR | nn_reject_threshold | 0.5 | NN min accept score |
ccmain/reject.cpp:176 | EXTERN double_VAR | nn_reject_head_and_shoulders | 0.6 | top scores sep factor |
ccmain/reject.cpp:181 | STRING_VAR | ok_single_ch_non_alphanum_wds | “-?\075” | Allow NN to unrej |
ccmain/reject.cpp:184 | STRING_VAR | ok_repeated_ch_non_alphanum_wds | “-?*\075” | Allow NN to unrej |
ccmain/reject.cpp:187 | STRING_VAR | conflict_set_I_l_1 | “Il1[]” | Il1 conflict set |
ccmain/reject.cpp:188 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | conflict_set_S_s | “Ss$” | Ss conflict set |
ccmain/reject.cpp:190 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | conflict_set_hyphen | “-_~” | hyphen conflict set |
ccmain/reject.cpp:192 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | dubious_chars_left_of_reject | “!’+`()-./\\<>;:^_,~\”“ | Unreliable chars |
ccmain/reject.cpp:196 | STRING_VAR | dubious_chars_right_of_reject | “!’+`()-./\\<>;:^_,~\”“ | Unreliable chars |
ccmain/reject.cpp:200 | INT_VAR | min_sane_x_ht_pixels | 8 | Reject any x-ht lt or eq than this |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:25 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_adapt_kludge | 0 | Use acceptable result or dangambigs |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:27 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | interactive_mode | FALSE | Run interactively? |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:28 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | edit_variables | FALSE | Variables Editor Window? |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:29 | // xiaofan EXTERN STRING_VAR | file_type | “.bl” | Filename extension |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:30 | EXTERN STRING_VAR | file_type | “.tif” | Filename extension |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:31 | INT_VAR | testedit_match_debug | 0 | Integer match debug ctrl |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:32 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_dangambigs_chop | FALSE | Use UnicharAmbigs to direct chop |
ccmain/tessvars.cpp:34 | EXTERN INT_VAR | tessedit_dangambigs_assoc | FALSE | Use UnicharAmbigs to direct assoc |
ccmain/tfacepp.cpp:38 | EXTERN BOOL_VAR | tessedit_override_permuter | TRUE | According to dict_word |
ccmain/werdit.cpp:25 | //EXTERN BOOL_VAR | wordit_linearc | FALSE | Pass poly of linearc to Tess |